Monday, May 26, 2008


The large bad boy companies are notorious for getting this wrong.

Usually it's the astounding difference of service your customer's face when calling in regards a problem they have. Or worse yet: being told 10 different stories regarding a product you thought was going to solve your problem: "Internet not working? It must be your router or your non warranty copper wires, but it's definitely not our fault, we just sell the service. Let me transfer you"

As mentioned in the previous post: if you can't market your brand as being real (authentic), you may as well pack up and head home.

Same goes for consistency. Consistency goes hand in hand with authenticity. Not only do you have to keep it real, you must do this for every customer.

Remember that people don't but what they need, they buy on what story they tell themselves.

Therefore it's essential that how you answer the phone, to how you manage your website, to your in person meetings are all consistent with your brand, and the story you tell your target market.

Bell Canada lost lots of internet customers because they couldn't keep their story straight, but apparently TekSavvy can when it comes to internet providing. This goes to show that people will talk about your brand (or lack thereof) whether you like it or not.

Find your inconsistencies in your message, fix them fast, and maybe just maybe your customers will say nice things about you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What is real?

In today's over crowded market we are constantly bombarded with ads, calls, and people getting in our face screaming for our attention.

One secret to breaking through this noise is how Authentic is your product/service? Do you have to bluntly tell people what you are all about? Do people see through your claims and unique selling proposition?

Good marketers know that while you can fool some people you can't fool all people. To build trust for your brand you have to start with an authentic product. One that promises what it delivers, does not insult your target community, and leaves the prospect giving you their permission to have more.

Chances are that if you have to say your product contains 100% juice, that you are the #1 at XXX, or using generic photos for your brochures, your not authentic. Same goes for people's attention to your message.

Start with authenitcating your brand and you may suprise yourself with the results.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Just Do It

Nike was right all along...

Sometimes the fastest way to remarkable marketing is to just start somewhere, get some traction, and revise according to trial and error.

I see too many people who are semantically posturing their ideas and business plans to get anything done.

The result? Someone else gets their first, establishes the position, and you lose.

Ideas that can spread, ultimately win. What are you waiting for?