Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You Will Be Punished

  • You will be punished for not getting the job because of your counter intuitive, holistic, marketing views.
  • You will be punished if you think outside the box that goes against the grain of your colleague's thinking - or worse, your bosses.
  • You will be punished for speaking out at your weekly meeting for questioning the team's motivations.
  • Society will punish you if you deviate away from a formal education path (you're too risky)
  • Your peers will punish you for being "too different" or "weird" because of your creative thinking
  • You will be punished for speaking out, as those who speak out seek change, and it's much more easy to label them a sh*t disturber then entertain their ideas.
  • Being idealistic is definitely punishable. Pragmatism must rule the day.
  • Don't have the necessary credentials to meet the artificial barriers? Punishment will be swift.
  • Challenging your peers thinking, and promoting a higher standard of thinking is highly punishable by shunning.
  • By being risky, and focusing on niche ideas, you are asking the mass market to forever punish you.

With it being so easy, safe, and convenient (in the short run) to embrace the status-quo and blend in with the crowd, are you really sure you want to be an entrepreneur or agent of change?

Remember, you will be punished.

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