Selling has historically focused on the needs of the seller; marketing, on the needs of the buyer.
Organizations must not think of themselves as a producers of good and services, but as buying customers. Yes, that's right, using la carte de credit, and investing in the people who buy from you.
To do this, you have to go back to the basics:
What business are you really in?Had the railway industry defined itself in the transportation business instead of just trains, it is very likely they would have been well positioned against the future competition of cars, buses, and planes.
It is the reason why Honda doesn't make the best cars in the world, they make the best engines. Successful travel agencies don't book travel, they look to create permanent life memories. Great consultants don't just solve your problems, they make sure they
stay solved.
Failing to focus on what your real core strengths in a vertical (industry) rather than horizontal (different sectors) creates companies that end up being stuck in a rut with no prospects for future success.
The road to success is lined with mediocre, short sighted train wreck,s that prevent you from crossing the chasm of good to great.
Don't be one of them.